
The mathematics program at Pomperaug High School is designed to offer a variety of courses that appeal to students' interests and are aligned with their abilities. Course sequences are designed to incorporate repeated exposure to a range of numerical, algebraic, geometric and statistical concepts that allow students to recognize mathematical themes. Students ultimately acquire the confidence to assess a problem, select the appropriate tool, execute a solution and evaluate the results. The expected outcome is that students will be able to effectively apply these skills in their daily life and as they pursue future endeavors in the study of mathematics.

Students who require extra support in math may be recommended to attend Math Lab, a support program aligned with the framework of Scientific Research-Based Interventions (SRBI). Teachers within the mathematics department work with students to target areas in need of improvement and move students forward in their learning of key mathematical skills, concepts, and understandings. Student entry into the lab is based upon teacher referral and the approval of the math academic chairperson.

Note: To fulfill graduation requirements, all students are required to successfully complete at least one course focused on algebraic problem-solving and focused on geometric critical thinking.


(203) 262-3212

Chris Walsh, Mathematics Department Chairperson

Kimberly Bedini, Mathematics Department Secretary