Social Studies
In social studies, students learn about themselves and the world in which they live. The world today has been determined by past events and tomorrow’s world will be the result of what we are doing today. Therefore, the knowledge, skills and concepts acquired in the social studies help students understand how they can direct their lives by understanding why things are the way they are. A major emphasis of social studies today is recognition that the world is becoming increasingly interdependent economically, politically and socially. Another characteristic of the social studies program is skill development in decision-making and problem-solving. Students will analyze and form opinions about events and issues, use acquired knowledge and concepts, and hypothesize about new situations. As part of the three and one-half social studies credits required for graduation, students must pass Modern World History, United States History and minimally a half year course related to civic education.
Contact Info
Art Blais, Humanities (English and Social Studies) Chairperson
Sarah Dapp, Humanities Department Secretary
(203) 262-3285
National History Day
Social Studies Honor Society
Model U.N.
Mock Trial
Debate Club?